Tuesday, May 19, 2015

What is your legacy...

Have you ever thought of your legacy?  Those gifts and personality traits that you will pass down to others or leave behind you that define who you are as a person.  What do you want people to say about you?  She is a great cook.  She is a fantastic mother.  He works hard for his family.  They are so in love.  I think sometimes we get so caught up in the day to day grind, that we forget to mold and shape our legacy.  We hear stories of our pioneer ancestors or our forefathers and mothers and their stories are amazing.  Stories of strength and determination.  Stories of greatness, conversion, sacrifice and will.  How will we be remembered?  (My mom was scatterbrained and didn't know where we were half the time).  That is the path I am on these days.

I think the biggest part of molding our legacy is showing others what we are made of in the midst of adversity.  Oftentimes, our trials, or the way we handle our trials is more a testimony to other people who are helplessly watching us either up close or from a distance.  Or to those people who are watching out of the corners of their eye to see what we are going to do next.  Knowing that the real test is not merely enduring the trial, but the way in which we endure it.

The coolest part or scariest (depending on how you look at it) is that you NEVER know who is watching you.  You never know who you might be inspiring.  You may never know who you may touch by your quiet example.  The true measure of a man is how he behaves when he thinks no one is watching.  What do we do in the quiet and private moments of our lives?  Do we make choices that make us better?  Better today than we were yesterday?  But, not as good as we are going to be tomorrow.  Or do we waste them?  Resolving to start being awesome sometime next week, when we aren't so busy.

I say...  why not start today?  Start with small and simple things.   Do one thing every day that makes us better.  One thing that might inspire someone who needs inspiration.  I say it's time to start following our passions,  helping someone who is fighting their own battle that may be known or unknown.   It's time to be nice.  And kind.  And compassionate.   It's time to believe in something greater than ourselves.  It's time to endure.  To succeed.  To fight.  To grow.  To inspire.  And to learn.  So that when others speak of us, they do so with pride, with genuine admiration, respect and most of all with appreciation.  Because we took the time to not just be ordinary, mediocre and mundane.  We took the time to make a difference.  To be happy with ourselves.  We took the time to shape our legacy.

We are on one hand so sad that this is part of Kori's legacy, but on the other hand look at how she is handling it and showing us what she is truly made of.  I loved her before, but I cannot express with adequate words my love for her today.

Today Kori went on many adventures.  
Dad took her up to the observation deck again to visit the "Cancer Eating Dragon".  He crashed her feet into several walls.  But, she didn't mind too much because she doesn't have feeling in several of her toes.  They explored the hospital.  Most likely went down some halls they weren't supposed to.  And talked to lots of strangers.

Dad says this is Kori's wing of the hospital.  It's very pretty.  He said it's about 1/2 of the hospital

He also took a picture of the city.  The white roof on the right is the Astrodome and the white roof on the left is the stadium where the Texans play.
And he completely wore her out.  We are so happy to report that the swelling in her face is nearly gone and her black eye is very nearly a thing of the past.

Someone somewhere has changed her release date to June 2nd.  Dr. Rao's reaction to this new revelation was "WHAT????"  And as we speak, he is fighting to get her original date re-instated.  He thinks she is ready and he is in fact, HER DOCTOR....  So, we are waiting patiently for the final word.  Of course, we would never want her to come home before she is totally ready.  But, dang it!!  If she misses our wedding, I will be so sad!!


  1. Kaci you are a great writer I believe in myself after reading some of your posts you make me sound amai g thanks!!

  2. She is an awesome writer! Of course you are pretty great material!
