Luckily for our whole family, it was Kori. And she answered. Even though it was 10:00 her time. What a nice girl. I'm sure I woke her up.
Such an overwhelmingly flattering photo of both of us. But, it's all I've got. I am so sorry, Kor.
Her voice sounded different than usual. It sounded like it does when she has strep throat. But it sounded strong. And she seemed so happy to talk to us. And even though she yawned like 5 times, she was as sweet as she could be and talked to each one of my kids, including Ryker who was so excited to tell her several facts about his Thomas the Train engine and he told her to come look in his room at his train table. "Come on, Koko. Come in my room and see my train."
She told us that she is getting released on Saturday. I feel terrible because this is the same day as our wedding. I really hope that she will fly into Vegas and stay the night there to recover from the flight and come home Sunday, so that we will be able to be there to welcome her home properly. Of course a perfect storm of life events would collide. That is just how it is in our family. We are so excited to have her home. This is such great news. She will heal 10 times faster with her whole family around her, I am sure.
On Sunday, she had several visitors. Tami's kids Nick and Tara and Tara's husband Steve came to the hospital to visit. Tara and Steve live in Provo and they hate it as much as Kori did when she lived there and so Kori said that they MUST come down to St. George for a visit. And she is very serious about that. And really hopes that they will come. Additionally, Dad and Kori had the Sacrament brought in to them and one of the boys that administered it was a boy who was from St. George and went to Snow Canyon High School and he knew Garrett. What are the chances? It is a small world for sure.
We talked about the Bauer's and the Cashs' and how our family has been so blessed by knowing them and Kori and my Dad don't know what they are going to do when they don't get to see them every day. And eat their incredibly amazing food. And we talked about how many people there are in this world that we may NEVER meet and the vast number of people that could effect and change our lives and make them better just by knowing them, but our life paths may never cross and that is so sad. On the other hand, we now know them and we can follow each other on social media and send Christmas Cards. New friends are so fun
Let the countdown begin....
5 more days
See if I answer your call again if you are going to screen shot pictures and post them on social media... Ou face timing days are done!!!
ReplyDeleteWell shoot!!!! If it makes you feel better, I look super lame in that picture and I don't have an excuse at all.
ReplyDeleteThat was my thought exactly.... You're ending our face time relationship over this picture??? This one???? When I look worse that you????
DeleteKori, I can tell you are getting better. In the beginning you were posting all kinds of unflattering pictures of yourself and didn't think a thing of it. Now you care and that's another step to recovery. Love you❤️
ReplyDeleteMaybe not ending just putting regulations on ou FaceTime calls- no more screen shots!!!esecially after 3 hours of therapy when I can't HS my hea up and I have so many chins!!!!