Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Steak, Break outs and Straight Talk

Today was a busy day in St. George and another good day in Houston.

First, I have to report on the bad news.

Kori's release date really IS June 2nd now.
I am officially the most sad person in the family, for very selfish reasons.
And I can feel sad about the new release date and I don't have to feel guilty about being sad about it because the reason for her delay in getting to come home to us when she is supposed to has nothing to do with her health and everything to do with her INSURANCE.  I wonder if that stupid insurance company even cares that she is going to miss our wedding?  I know they DON'T.  If this was MY blog, I'd swear right now.  But, this is a no swear blog....  
I. am. not. happy. at. all.
 Today Kori received a humongous card from her co-workers at Dixie Regional.
This took some time, I am sure to gather so many signatures.  
I know that this meant the world to her.
 Then they ventured up to the Penthouse and joined TNT for a delicious Steak Salad with asparagus and julienne apples luncheon.  Look at how happy Dad is surrounded by all of his "ladies".
Please tell me Tiffany is using a "selfie stick". 
Kori calls this adventurous time with Dad her "break-out session."  And she happily reported today that her feet were spared from any traveling injuries


We had a high school graduation.
Don't worry Kori,
Garrett slept through both musical numbers and shifted in his seat 210 times
And then we celebrated the big day at Red Robin
We were missing Grant and Kami and Brent.
There was a family there that knew Russ.  And they asked him where Grant was and he said
"I don't know.  If I was the Mom, I would know, but I'm the Dad, so I'm not sure."

I am so glad that we got together because half way through dinner, Russ came down and sat by us and I was able to have a good "tell me the truth".....  "I can handle it" conversation with him.  And it was so great for me to hear. 
Those of us here in Utah have only second hand information.  We aren't there.  We don't get to see her and know for sure what is really going on.  

I say this because...

The day of the surgery, when the original prognosis of Kori came...  my mom called and told Kami, but told Kami not to tell me.  My family traditionally tends to spare me of certain tidbits of information.  I don't know why.  I don't know why it's presumed that every one else can handle stuff, but that I can't.  That would imply that I am some sort of spaz that needs to be protected. 

 Anywho...... Consequently,  I constantly think I am being left out of the loop and am only getting half the information.  I knew Russ wouldn't lie to me and so I asked him to give it to me straight.  And he did.  And he told me all the things I wanted to hear.  Everything good.  And it made me happy.  
He told me a fabulous personal story and I almost wrote it, but I didn't get his permission to do so and so I can't...  but it was such a sweet story and we got teary and I love that he told it to me.

Then in the middle of our conversation, Kori sent him a good night text that said
"But for now, rest well and dream of large women"
(Which is a quote from Princess Bride)
And he laughed out loud and said...
See how okay she is?  She's quoting a movie from 25 years ago.
His response to her...
"As you wish"

This was a good day.


  1. You know me I don't like to be told I can't do something.. My goal is stil ll the 5/26

  2. I was trying to listen in on your conversation but was left out of the loop. You'll have to fill me in later. It was a good day.

  3. Don't tease me Kori.... I'm trying to adjust and have a good attitude about it. But you keep fighting for that!! I won't enjoy myself if you're not there

  4. Allof my therapists will meet together again next tuesdayif they don't feel like they can progress me any further they will be forced to get rid of MRI just have to get to that point by next tuesday

  5. Well Kori, I can't say that I'm hoping for that outcome next Tuesday. I want you to keep progressing for as long as possible. If that means you have to stay in Houston a little longer, well so be it. We'll just look forward to when you do come home, knowing you're going to be sooooo good.
