Tami Bauer and Tiffany Cash come to see Kori nearly every single day. A month ago, they didn't know her and this month, they make her a part of their every day. When they come to visit, they always bring food. And Kori is loving her food these days.
Kori is a very disciplined person. She is especially disciplined when it comes to food. She won't eat dressing on her salad. She ONLY drinks water. She brings celery and carrots to baseball games and tells her kids that they are snacks. All the other moms' children are snackin' on Cracker Jacks and Fun Dips and Kori's kids have baggies with vegetables in them. But, then she got a brain tumor and her doctors put her on steroids and it has awakened a sleeping giant within her. She has discovered what she has been missing all these years. When they first got to Texas, before the surgery, she was insisting that someone take her to a Texas BBQ two times a day and then she would wash that down with some Olive Garden. And since she is being weaned very slowly from the steroids, her appetite, for now, remains. And my dad says it's hilarious.
Today, Dad said that she almost stabbed him with her fork because he was taking too long to cut up her pineapple. And she doesn't talk a lot, but she has no problem telling Dad to pass her the chips and M&Ms. She's never eaten like this before.
It's just so weird. Mom and I decided tonight that we were no longer going to feel guilty about our Diet Coke addictions. Diet Coke is like Manna from Heaven. And right in the middle of my daughter's dance recital tonight mom turned to me and said... and I quote...
"screw it, I'm drinking Diet Coke every day for the rest of my life. Look what the water drinker is going through. It's time to live it up"
I have to agree. I'm probably going to add Twinkies and Ruffles potato chips to my daily routine. And I just might shove the Ruffles into the Twinkies and I'll wash them down with some delicious Manna. How does that sound, Kor? Pretty fantastic huh?
I got to thinking that it'd be fun to share a couple of fun facts about her. Some things that the average person doesn't know about her, but might be interested in knowing
1. Kori has two different sized feet. Her right foot is a 8 1/2 and her left foot is an 10. This presents a problem when buying shoes. Nordstrom is the only store that will sell different sized shoes.
2. Kori has a Master's Degree in Sports Conditioning and Performance.
3. Her son broke her nose and she had to have surgery to repair the damage
4. She dislocated her knee getting certified in kickboxing. She went to the hospital, got it relocated, returned to the certification and passed.
5. She was a personal trainer at the Summit Athletic Club
6. She has been driving the same car for 16 years or maybe more. She says "why replace it? It still runs."
7. She had to get stitches in her head every year for like 6 years in a row when she was younger
8. She almost got thrown into a Mexican Prison trying to smuggle vanilla into the US
9. She was told at one point that she would probably never be able to have children. What a silly doctor.
10. She writes fabulous poems for people's weddings and reads them at their receptions. Which by the way Kori, Brayden is getting married in 2 weeks......
11. She is 5 years younger than Russ and was in the 9th grade when he got home from his mission.
12. She only really sleeps well when Russ is snoring. And he snores really loudly
13. She is a baby whisperer. She can put ANY unruly baby to sleep in minutes
14. She can juggle
15. She got a HOLE IN ONE on a par 3 at St. George Golf Course, but couldn't brag about it because she was on the golf course illegally.
16. She has a very low heart rate, in the high 30's, low 40's just normally, which caused considerable discussion among the anesthesiologists prior to her surgery.
17. She is an exercise physiologist by profession. She works in Cardiac Rehab and does the same type of work that is now being done to her. She'll need to show us what she's made of.
That is all I can think of. Today was a same ol'.... same ol' day. But, we will gladly take those over those "set back" days. She is working so hard and continues to improve and get stronger every day. Her dexterity is improving. She is practicing with texting and Instagram comments. We tried to get her to start "talk texting" but that just isn't how she does things, she wants to keep it difficult so she can master the problem. She keeps getting better and better every day. Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts and comments coming. Hospital days are long and boring, except when Tiffany and Tami show up with ALL THAT DELICIOUS FOOD!!! We sure do appreciate all of the support and love.
We loved this post! Such a good girl and working so hard. Prayers and thoughts continue.💜
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to embrace the whole "To hell with it all" attitude when it comes to a healthy lifestyle, also. I am the one who eats healthy and works out regularly, and *I* am the one with all of the medical problems and severe joint pain. Beepity beep BEEEEEP!!!! (Pardon my French.) Live long and eat junk! :~D
ReplyDeleteLove this!!
ReplyDeleteWell, now that you mention it- I've been on vacation with Kori and Russ 5 or 6 times and... Even though it's always all you can eat I've NEVER seen her go back for more! I, on the other hand, do not have any shame about trying EVERYTHING! Next time I'm going to enjoy watching her stuff herself like all the rest of us!😀😀
ReplyDeleteI loved this whole post~crazy eating habits of the Little Girls and the fun details of Kori's life. Love to all of you.
ReplyDeleteKori you eat ANYTHING that sounds appetizing. I usually do!
ReplyDeleteLOVED reading the fun facts! I learned a few new impressive details about Kori's life. Although, I did know a few things....one of them being her unique shoes sizes! I think of you EVERYTIME I shop Nordstroms shoes. What a great service they provide. I guess having to shop at Nordstrom is the upside of having different sized feet. ;) I must have learned this about you when you had those terribly painful foot surgeries. Remember those?
Fun facts about kori. Loved this post.