Sunday, May 3, 2015

ONE step forward TWO steps back!

Kori had TWO good days in a row. 
This was our ONE step Forward...
She regained feeling in her left side and some movement as well. Russ was tapping up and down on her left side asking if she could feel different areas. "Yes and it's kind of annoying was her response". I thought this was a good sign for sure!
She finally was able to eat and she even had her hair done!
She was talking a little more, Mom said her voice has more personality, she was able to call and talk to her kids and she was even opening her black eye at times.

They removed the drain from her head yesterday. She said it really hurt but we are so glad it is out. That area had been really swollen and having it might might help with that.
The Physical Therapy team came in and sat her up. She seemed to do just fine. They had plans to come in today (Sunday) to try to get her on her feet.
The swelling in her face is going down as well.

They also did an EGG, an Electroencephalogram (a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain). She got an A+. 
This was GREAT news!

Then came our TWO steps back...

As of EARLY Sunday morning Kori's lungs are full of fluid and she now has pneumonia. She is breathing very rapidly...very short and shallow breaths. Her heart rate is VERY high.
The emergency team was with her from midnight until 5am.

We had high hopes that she would be returning home soon. But this has just set us back again.
Mom and dad were planning on coming home tonight but I'm guessing they will be there for awhile too.

Today so many of you are fasting for Kori. We appreciate the faith and hope we feel from all of you.
Thank you for your prayers.


  1. LOVES and PRAYERS to you and your sweet family! Thank you for the updates. I love you, girl!

  2. Praying always for a rapid recovery from this set back so she can return to the business of returning to full health. Thank you for the updates. We check often for them.

  3. Reading this post the tears started flowing. This makes me so sad! We are fasting and praying for her! Lots of prayers!
    Love you all!

  4. You must all feel so helpless, except I hope you truly can feel all of the prayers! Feel the strength and the peace and courage that people are praying to be sent to you. The Savior has borne it all for us so, lean on Him and he will hold you up!

    I am in Denver visiting my Mom and Gena. Grandma Helen wanted me to especially tell you all hello and that she loves you!

  5. Members of your ward family continue to pray for God to watch over you. It's good to know what is happening. Thank you for keeping us posted.

  6. Prayers and fasting today for Kori. We hope today was a day of healing for her. Please let us know how we can help. Love to all Littles!
