Friday, May 22, 2015


Today seemed like it may have been a low key day.  

EXCEPT that, and I'm not sure why,  Kori got an upgrade and was moved to a Master Suite.  She certainly deserves it.  She is without a doubt the kindest patient in the hospital,  I'm sure.  Her favorite nurse returned today, after being off for several days.  She rushed in and told Kori she needed to give her a hug, she missed her, and then said that Kori is her VERY FAVORITE patient.  Well DUH!!!!

 She received flowers from the Whittakers.  Who are our long time friends from Corona
She received flowers from her in-laws, Paul and Joan Brooks.   
It must feel really good to get little surprises like these on long hospital days.  It's nice to know that people are thinking about you.

And Tami and her sister, Teri came to visit and of course, brought food.  
Mom said we are having a Family Reunion later this summer with our new family members from Texas.  

It's so hard to express the gratitude we feel towards these ladies who are serving our sister and who aren't letting a day go by without visiting her and lifting her spirits.  They are on earth angels for sure.  And Kami and I can't wait until we can meet them in person.  

Kori...  I am sure you heard this already,  but St. Geezy had an earthquake today.
It was super wimpy, nothing like the ones in California. 

Remember that night when we had that really big earthquake and it woke us up and Dad was yelling at us to get out of our beds and stand in the doorways until it was finished?   And he was the only one who really did it because the rest of us just stayed in our beds.  

Remember how Dad called all of our boyfriends, Kevin no matter what their names were... they were all Kevin?  

Remember that night a tarantula was crawling across our family room floor and  how you and Dad caught it and made him our pet?  And you used to let him crawl all over you?  And we named him Spooky? And we kept him in a five-gallon Sparkletts bottle?

Remember how Mom wouldn't let us say words describing bodily functions and instead made up cutesy little girl words for them and we actually had to say those words in place of the words every other kid in the world was using when speaking of the unmentionables.  And remember how we lost friends over it?

Remember how you and Kami used to play basketball in front of people and get all sweaty?

Remember when your hamster somehow got out of his cage and somehow got up into your bed and crawled on your neck in the middle of the night and you freaked your freak out and threw him across the room at the wall......
RIP Herbie.

Remember when you threw up in Grandma Lou's Buick?  
And Mom just put you in the gutter until the car was completely restored to like new condition
Oh man...  what a tragedy that was

Remember that time Dad rolled your fingers up in the window unknowingly and kept winding and winding with all of his might because he couldn't figure out why there was a little gap in the window?  And you were writhing in pain and couldn't speak.

Remember when you ate one bite of candy from each of the 250 boxes of the See's Candy from the Ward Fund Raiser and Mom and Dad had to pay back the ward hundreds of dollars 

Remember we had to sing at every stake baptism?

Remember Dad's piece of crap orange Honda Civic that we named Beemish?

Remember how many cassette tapes we had?

Remember when Dad would take us to his store on Christmas Day and let us eat as much frosting from the bakery as we wanted? 

Remember when we worked at the Hot Dog Stand?
And DIAL-A-BURGER.  OMG!!  Remember that horrible place?

Remember backwards skating at California Skate?  You were the champion of backwards skating.

Remember we had mullets in 1984?

Remember how we ALL used to get ready in Mom and Dad's bathroom together as a family?
That was weird.  But it didn't seem weird then.

Remember how we had to learn how to drive in a Volkswagon Vanagan?  Stick shift!!!

Remember Mom's Orange Terry Cloth Track suit with the rainbow rope belt that she wore EVERYWHERE?

Remember that time Dad took us skiing in Utah and we were from California, so we wore jeans and ugly sweaters instead of ski pants and parkas.  And everyone on the mountain knew we didn't have a clue how to ski.  But we left absolutely no one wondering EVERY TIME we tried to get off of the ski lift.   And remember how they had to shut the lift down 13 separate times while they cleared us off the exit ramp.

Remember how we took a NIGHT Biology class at BYU with Carl Whittaker and we'd stay for 30  minutes of the 2 hours and then go to the creamery and make him take notes for us?   And how we passed with C minuses and were THRILLED.

Remember that night we went roller skating around the Provo Temple and got going too fast down that hill and you stopped yourself by running into a chain link fence?  If I remember right, there was a lot of blood.

Remember we lived at Branbury Park?  What were we thinking?

Remember when we were trying to drive home from BYU and my car broke down on the side of the road 8 times and we didn't have cel phones back then so we had to rely on creepy, perverted truck drivers to help us and we finally made Dad drive to Las Vegas and pick us up?

Remember hiking on the back side of Catalina Island with Bronwyn and Shannon Horton?
And buffalo and wild boar?

Remember how Mom was a lifeguard at the city pool so we could swim all summer long for free???  Mom....  a lifeguard.....  she did anything to make us happy.

WOW!!!  Sorry everyone for the tangent.
We've had some good times.

Good Night
See you soon!!!!!


  1. I never worked at dials burger- that was only you my friend

  2. Lots of good memories!! So finnydad and I are cracking up

  3. I remember the Catalina. I island him that you would make Bronwyn or I sing everyte you went to the bathroom because you didn't want anybody else to be able to hear you. Go to the bathroom

  4. Remember the nightNeemish ran ou of gas and the man that was helping us push Nehemiah to the gas station kept talking abou"dead weight and we thought he was going to kill us

  5. I keep trying to leave a comment here, but I don't know if it's working. So, sorry if I show 3 very similar posts. Haha. This blog stuff is new to me! Your blog is incredible and SO funny! I read it out loud to my Fam. It was such a pleasure meeting your Kori and your Dad. I know it's hard on everyone, but thanks for sharing them with us. Your family is amazing!
    ~Teri in Texas

  6. Remember when Fan mills cut your mullet off and turned you into a boy

  7. Remember when Fran Mills made everyone look like a boy!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. I've got some gnarly family photos my friends. These are awesome Kaci!!

  8. I'm pretty sure it will say that this comment was posted by Kami, it was not. This is from me, Nancy, the Mom... don't ask, it's complicated. Anyway, I would like to post a Disclaimer to let all readers of Kori's blog know that Kaci has a very vivid imagination. She sees/remembers (for decades) things that most people would forget the very next day. This is both a blessing and a curse to our family. So as you have had to endure reading Kaci's "flowery" remembrances of the past, please know that we, family members, have been hysterically laughing all morning and truly do appreciate her "version" of events long past. Jim said Kori woke him up this morning with her loud laughter and if this, can do that, then it is worth all the humiliation that some of us must endure. We LOVE our Kori and sooooo appreciate all of the support and love that she (and we) have received. It means the world to us. P.S. We are also so happy to meet more of our "Texas Family" and want to thank Teri for joining Tami (another TNT duo) yesterday and making the jaunt to MDA to brighten our girl's (and her dad's) day. Our hearts are bursting!!!

  9. The reason my room got changed was because my old room had a monitor they needed to use fo another patient so I gotmoced to a bigger room that actually hasa view

  10. Remember how kami couldn't stay in a basket ballgame long enough to get sweaty because the ref would throw her outbe cause she had attitude sometimes they would throw her out of the gym before the game even started!!!

  11. Also it wasn't my hamster it was lamia freaking albino rat that I threwagainst th wall remember ho ugly they were with thread beady eyes and long tails and then to have one of those find its way into my bed I will forever have nigghtmares over that!!!

  12. Kami's albino rat that had red eyes and long tail good riddance

  13. Your family cracks me up Kori! First your immediate family, that I know and now your extended family that I'm getting to know through this blog! πŸ˜† I love the bonds of sisterhood! I'm so happy you're improving each day! Keep up the great work! Love you sister from another mister!

  14. remember when the three of us were cheerleaders for Norco and we had to practice by the prison in the stinky cow field? and remember how you had to cheer that big blue shoe.remember how mom used to hide the Oreos in the top oven like we couldn't find them? And tell you and Casey used to lick out the cream filling and leave the cookie part for me. remember how mom used to get mad at us and grit her teeth so tight and yell through them while she shook us by the shoulders? remember how you had to get stitches so many times because of me?

  15. remember how we used to dress in our Wonder Woman underoos and jump off the back of the seventy's green floral couch and spin in the air?

  16. Your family cracks me up Kori! First your immediate family, that I know and now your extended family that I'm getting to know through this blog! πŸ˜† I love the bonds of sisterhood! I'm so happy you're improving each day! Keep up the great work! Love you sister from another mister!
