Thursday, June 18, 2015

Meds.....and hard working therapists??????

I am so happy to report that last night June 17, 2015 was the first night in 10 weeks that Kori has had a full night's rest.  The medicine prescribed to help with her hypersensitivity worked like magic.  And she was able to sleep all night long with no nerve pain.  Mom reported that she was so different today....  Upbeat...  Happy and very nearly back to her old self.  This is the greatest news.

I have decided that I am in the wrong profession. 
I am trying to figure out how I have gone so astray.
I wake up every morning and work my tail off 
and most of the day, I really am working,
 but sometimes I feel lazy and
I have to work hard appearing like I am working, which let's be honest,
is harder than actually doing the work.
And my co-workers can't tell the difference between the two..... I am that good.
And I come home at night and I am tired...  exhausted really.

I have decided that I should have gone into Physical Therapy
Take for instance....  this guy here....
Remember Him?
This was him working hard yesterday...

And this was him today
He makes no apologies. 
He doesn't even try to pretend
He's obviously overly confident in his job stability
either that or his boss is out of town
I am not sure.

And then to pour salt in the wounds of the working class,
he has taken his game a step further and 
somehow figured out how to sucker his co-workers to do all of his work for him
while he lounges on the table like so...
And this poor guy is falling for it everyday.
I am just kidding of course.
I know that they are doing great things for her everyday
(Even though here he is so very obviously hiding behind poor Kori playing Angry Birds on his phone)

But really, there is a test to test progress.
They score her on sitting up straight, standing on her own (which she did today) walking unassisted (which she took 10-15 steps today as well), transferring from one seated position to another unassisted.
And when Kori took her first test on her first day, she scored a 3 out of 28
and today she scored an 11.

That is pretty amazing.
These guys are great!
And they are fun to work with too.

We are so appreciative to everyone who is taking such good care of her 
and making her better and stronger everyday.


  1. I'm so glad that Luke is such a good sport and AWESOME Physical Therapist too. It's only when you are secure with yourself that you allow mothers of patients to set you up for pictures like the ones above. Luke and Adam are so kind and caring of Kori and thus she is making good progress. We appreciate all they have done and continue to do to help her heal from her stroke. Dr. Rao told us just following her surgery that this was a Marathon and we were at the Starting Line. Well I'm happy to report that we're moving along and fast approaching Mile 2 or maybe 3!!

  2. So rewarding to watch and funny to read! Kaci, you should have been a writer!!! Xxxxoooooxxxxxxxooooooxxxxxoooooxxxo
