Saturday, April 25, 2015

She is in GOOD hands

Here is just one corner of the 40 blocks of the MD Anderson Cancer Center!

Kori FINALLY met with Dr Rao and Mom has fallen in LOVE...I think Russ has too.
Mom said he listened and answered every question they had no matter how insignificant it may have been. He was confident, but not cocky.
Mom asked him if he had seen anything like this tumor before and he said...
"Oh of course. This is what I do." "This isn't our first rodeo".
As mom thanked him for being a blessing in our lives he leaned in and said to her "I am going to take good care of her".
Russ, mom and dad feel like she is in GOOD HANDS!

 Here she is showing off all her "tracks" up her arms.
She had a lot of tests taken.

Yesterday her ward all got together for a fast and group prayer in her behalf.
I felt so overwhelmed with gratitude when I saw this picture.
Our family is humbled by the amount of people praying Kori and all of us.
A special thank you to her ward family for also taking good care of her.
We know the Hyde family is in GOOD HANDS!

I have been reading a lot of articles, talks from the Prophets and apostles these last few days...looking to be strengthen, find encouragement and faith through this trail we are all facing. 
We all seem to be doing pretty well under the circumstances. Which I am thankful for. 
 But today I read an article that quoted a young man who said

"Tackle your BIGGEST trails with your BIGGEST smiles"

This was a perfect description of how Kori is dealing with all of this mess.

She is upbeat, cheerful, positive and even HAPPY! I have not once heard her complain, moan, groan, cry, wail, scream...which are all the things I believe I would be doing. she is AMAZING! She is so strong and above all faithful.

I am eternally grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ who are watching over her. I know she feels their love daily. I am grateful for the Holy Ghost who comforts us in times of trials and allows us to continue to smile through hard times. I am grateful for my testimony that I know our Savior LIVES!
I am GRATEFUL that I know she is in GOOD HANDS...HIS HANDS!


  1. Beautifully said, Kam. We do believe Kori is in Good Hands. Good earthly hands and Perfect Heavenly Hands. Just a little addition to your post...when I asked Dr. Rao if he had seen this type of tumor before or had operated on anything similar, he said, "oh yes!," "This isn't our first rodeo." That was very comforting to hear. I really think this is just "routine" for him. He really is the greatest!

  2. Hey, Kami. Thanks so much for the updates in this blog. I'd be a hot mess here in Denver not knowing what is going on.

  3. Fasting and praying for you!! FIGHTING!!!
