Thursday, April 23, 2015

Houston or BUST...

They are officially on their way to Houston!!

This airplane ride is what I have been most concerned about. Kori doesn't always handle flying very well. She gets headaches, nausea, dizzy etc...hummmm that sounds familiar. 
Maybe flying was NEVER the problem. 

I guess only time will tell.


She made is safe and sound to Houston.
Mom and Dad met she and Russ at the airport.
She seems pretty good in this picture. Russ said she did well on the flight!

Next...consult with the Dr. tomorrow morning and a TON of tests!


  1. Thinking so much about you all today and praying for you all!

    Much Love,

  2. Kori and Russ, it was a pleasure getting to know you and your family better last week. My thoughts and prayers are with you, along with those of the many co-workers you have worked with all these years! Hang in there and teach "skreech the leach" who's boss!!
