Saturday, August 8, 2015

Thank you is NOT enough

The DAY finally arrived.
At 9:00 am
Raleigh and I met at Mom and Dad's.
We rolled up the posters that we had made the night before.
Dad and Raleigh set out to put the posters up.
Mom and I went over and picked up the balloons and went behind them to attach the balloons to the set up posters.  

When we got to Solutions,  Jan,  had a professional sign ready to be hung up
She also had a DJ and a massage therapist
And there were 100 people in her lobby.
Mom and I walked in and burst into tears and had to walk right out so we didn't make spectacles of ourselves.

We were overwhelmed by the turn out from the people in Kori's ward,
from the moms of the boys on Garrett's baseball team,
from the friends of the Hyde kids
and some complete strangers.
 When we got to Fanci Hair
We set up the sign right on the side of the road for all of the traffic driving by on the Boulevard.
Their parking lot was full and they had several people waiting to have their hair cut as well.

I was just hoping that 10 people would come
I never dreamed that hundreds of people would be there.

And there were hairdressers a plenty
 Carie and her sister, Cicely who have been our friends for years, planned and planned.
They called the radio stations and promoted the day all week.  They called the colleges and asked them to donate tips.  We are lucky to have good friends in our lives
Natalie, who worked so hard cutting hair all day and making our friends feel so welcome
Jan who planned a great event of her own and is such a good friend to the Hyde Family
and who has been a huge support in so many ways.

And little boys came
 And friends came
And cute girls got new do's

And Kori's niece, Allison,  donated 12 inches to Locks of Love 
in Kori's name
 And Mom took cupcakes to everyone

We are anxiously awaiting the grand total
we know for sure, it's in the thousands...

I know that we could never adequately thank all of the people who have spent so many hours
promoting the event and donating their time.  We had friends helping us on Facebook.  We had people donating services.  All of these talented hair dressers stood on their feet for what ended up being nearly 6 hours.  We had neighbors who just walked in and donated money.  We had various ward members from OUR wards, who don't even know Kori personally, come over and support our family.  It's not enough to simply say thank you,  I know.  

But...  Thank you!
Thank you for your kindness and your support.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my GOODNESS! This is just wonderful. Isn't the world filled with good people? It's just amazing. I soooo wish I could have been there to help. What a joyous day. Windows of heaven are pouring forth blessings.
