Thursday, July 23, 2015

Weepy (Wonderful) Wednesdays

It's hard to write a blog about someone else's life.   It's hard enough for me to keep up with my own blog.  But, to write about the comings and goings of someone else's life where most of the information comes to you second hand.... I'm telling you,  it's hard.  I am writing about people I have never met and situations I haven't experienced.   And Mom and Dad send me pictures and tell me what is going on in them and I report.   Albeit, totally inaccurately most times.  And then Mom goes in behind me and makes all sorts of corrections.  


I desperately want the posts to be informative and ENTERTAINING.  Mostly because we love this girl with all of our hearts and we don't want people to forget about her because then they might stop praying and we really need those prayers.   We so appreciate those of you who pop on here everyday and check for updates.  I LOVE the people who stop me in Walmart and say "Are you Kori's sister?  You look just like her and I recognize you from her blog.  We read the blog everyday.  Thank you for keeping us informed."   It means so much to our family. 

This week was a week of hard work, sweat and tears. 
Kori had a new therapist because Luke is out of town. 
He has worked her hard.
 In this picture she looks like she is resting...
but this arm that she is leaning on is her paralyzed arm.
When you think of that, you must realize that she is not resting AT ALL.
This is actually very hard work.
 In these pictures, she is practicing what she would do if she were to fall.
That's a scary thought.
She's been "gently" dropped a couple of times, but there was someone right there to help her get up.
What if she were to fall and she was alone?  (Although she is never alone).
It's a good thing to prepare for the worst.

As mentioned earlier, this is a holiday weekend for Utah.   So her treatments were cut short this week.  Dr. Richards gave her today (Thursday) off as well.  It's good and bad.  Good, because it lets her body rest from the side effects of radiation for a couple of days.  Bad, because it prolongs her finish date.

Every Wednesday, Kori meets with Dr. Richards (this Wednesday she also met with Dr. Tudor).   She gets very emotional on Wednesdays because she is forced to have to "talk" about her feelings and she doesn't like to do that.   They "talk" about her treatments and her schedule and her side effects and her thoughts about how things are going and that is not super fun for her.  Kori cries.  This Wednesday, they discussed her most recent blood tests which all came back good.  Her red and white blood cell counts are in the expected range.  Additionally, Dr. Richards told them that during her type of radiation treatments, very rarely do patients show improvement in their cognitive functioning.  Cognitive functioning is the way a person "thinks".  He said often times there is little improvement and many times there is regression, or taking steps backwards.  But, in Kori's case, he said that he is noticing improvements.  And he said "I am not just saying that to make you feel better,  I am your doctor and I am telling you that, I really see a change in you."  Of course, this made Kori cry harder.

Then Mom started crying too.  And then he said "oh, no, now you're crying....  I have never been very good with the ladies."

When Kori's facial paralysis started wearing off, she noticed a tingling in her face.  Kind of like the tingling that you feel when the Novocain is wearing off after the dentist.  She also felt this sensation in her leg as it started to improve.  WELL.......  today she has started feeling that feeling in her arm.   She feels it underneath her arm and down into her chest.  We are very excited.  This is great news.

Hang in there,  Kor...  Only a couple of Wednesdays left.


  1. Thank you, thank you for your blog! Our family loves Kori & Russ and their family so much! Kori, thank you for all of your hard work and determination! You truly inspire us! We love you!! ��

  2. Yes, thank you fit the updates! We love this family and keep them in our prayers.

  3. We love you kori! I cry every time I read this blog because we love you so much and are so proud of you! Hang in there! hope to see you and your sweet family soon!

  4. We love you kori! I cry every time I read this blog because we love you so much and are so proud of you! Hang in there! hope to see you and your sweet family soon!

  5. Oh that's such great news about Kori's arm! We will continue to pray with all our hearts for her. And I loved that picture of her huge smile during therapy. Thanks for continuing to post updates!
