One of the hardest things that Kori has had to learn to deal with on this journey are the different emotions that go along with all of the new, never before imagined experiences that she is going through. It's hard enough to try and manage the physical aspect of everything, but equally and maybe more difficult, is the emotional journey that she is on.
She has good days, bad days and totally crappy days.
Today was a good day.
We had a good, long weekend vacation, but she was emotionally ready to get back to work.
Luke's student, Adam completed his internship and so Luke was a one man show today.
And you can kind of tell here in this picture that she is actually smiling.
She is really improving.
And today was a good day because she was actually able to see her progress.
Every once in a while, she gets discouraged because she can't tell that she is getting better...
but today she definitely could today and it made her happy.
And so naturally, it made her want to work hard.
Today she danced with Luke.
Luke had my mom take her wheel chair out to the lobby.
Then he made Kori walk all the way out to get it.
Mom says it's a pretty long walk, but she very nearly beat my mom out there.
Mom said she had a great attitude today, she was very UP.
That has to make a difference
Keep up the good work, girl
Great news! What a long way she has come in what probably feels like an eternity for her but is really such a short time! Kori is a beast! A darling one. Always sending our best wishes, positive vibes, prayers and love for your progress Kori!!